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Instant Client For Mac Os X (ppc): A Comprehensive Review of Oracle Database for Mac Users


Introduction This technical note pertains to the Oracle Instant Client- basic package available (at time of writing) from Oracle's website: and is relevent to Omnis Studio 4.1.1

If you are using an Intel Mac, please refer to Technote TNSQ0010a instead which contains revised notes. About Oracle Instant Client (for PPC architecture) Oracle Instant Client is a free, re-distributable cut-down version of the full Oracle client which provides just the OCI and JDBC client libraries used by most OCI applications. The benefits of Instant Client are that it provides all the functionality of the full client with only a fraction of the download overhead. The basic Mac package provides the following files:

Instant Client For Mac Os X (ppc)

Of these, only the three files marked in bold are required in order to use the Omnis Studio Oracle DAM. In addition to these files one other file may be needed; the tnsnames.ora file- which contains a list of Oracle database connections. This can be copied from a full client install if necessary (created using a Net Configuration Assistant). Care should be taken if creating/editing this file manually as OCI is very particular about syntax.

1. Unzip and copy the files highlighted above into the appropriate folder. Copy the files into the /usr/local/lib folder. Copying files here ensures that the dynamic loader will be able to locate the libraries at runtime. Note: To get the Finder to show the contents of the /usr/local/lib folder you should use the Go & Go to Folder... menu commands. You will also be prompted to 'Authenticate' before you are allowed to paste files into this location. If it is not possible (or desirable) to copy files into /usr/local/lib, it *may be possible to edit your user's environment.plist file instead and add an entry for DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. In this way the dynamic loader will also search in the location you specify. TechNote TNSQ0009 has details on how to create/edit this file. Assuming an install location of /Oracle, you should create this folder as appropriate and copy the files into this folder instead. *Some system configurations overwrite the value of DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH after reading from the environment.plist file, in which case this procedure will not work.

3. Edit your Omnis xcomp/ini/damora.ini file. In order to use Oracle Instant Client in "thin client mode" you must ensure that ORACLE_HOME is not set. Leaving this entry in your damora.ini file prompts the client library to behave as a "fat client". In this mode the DAM will fail to log on unless certain files are copied from an existing full Oracle Client install. You should replace the ORACLE_HOME entry with a TNS_ADMIN entry instead which is used to locate your tnsnames.ora file. Thus, your damora.ini file should look similar to:

As the title suggest Oracle doesn't provide a ARM based instant client.Which is necessary to communicate with the DB server. (this is the only way we need for our project)So can any one help us to install/compile/modify the oracle instant client to make it work on Debian arm based system ? Targer oracle database 11g

Depending on your needs and your project requirements, maybe you should investigate the option of having some kind of "web service" acting as a gateway to Oracle and running on an x86/amd64 box somewhere on your network. Then your clients (ARM-based or not) would access to the underlying DB through it.

El Capitan added system integrity protection (SIP), and one side effect of that is that exporting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't work. That could affect running SQL*Plus from a shell script, for example. There are workarounds for the 11g instant client. The installation notes at the bottom of the download page have changed since I last did this, and it now says to hard link the library files to the user's /lib directory to avoid that issue. Fortunately it looks like you don't need to worry about that with the 12c client - they've fixed the way it's built.

Use the same bit-width of libraries with ruby. For example, x86_64instant client for x86_64 ruby and 32-bit instant client for 32-bitruby. It depends on the ruby but not on the OS. As for full client,x86_64 ruby cannot use with 32-bit full client, but 32-bit ruby canuse with 64-bit full client because 32-bit libraries are in$ORACLE_HOME/lib32.

The way we talk on the Internet fundamentally changed over the past 20 years. When I came online through AOL in the mid 1990s there were chat rooms and instant messaging clients. I still remember the *beep* of my ICQ client when receiving a message all those years after.

I noticed the Oracle database download page has two groups of clients for users to download. There is a thing called "client" and has 32-bit version and 64-bit version. Also, there is a thing called "client home", which also has both 32-bit and 64-bit version. What are the differences between them? When should I use which?

Starting with Oracle Database 19c, the Oracle Database client software is available as an image file for download and installation. You must extract the image software into a directory where you want your Oracle home to be located, and then run the runInstaller script to start the Oracle Database client installation. Oracle Database client installation binaries continue to be available in the traditional format as non-image zip files.

As with Oracle Database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure image file installations, Oracle Database client image installations simplify Oracle Database client installations and ensure best practice deployments.

You must extract the image software ( into the directory where you want your Oracle Database Client home to be located, and then run the Setup Wizard to start the Oracle Database Client installation and configuration. Oracle recommends that the Oracle home directory path you create is in compliance with the Oracle Optimal Flexible Architecture recommendations.

Mac OS X Server 10.2 (released August 23, 2002) includes updated Open Directory user and file management, which with this release is based on LDAP, beginning the deprecation of the NeXT-originated NetInfo architecture. The new Workgroup Manager interface improved configuration significantly. The release also saw major updates to NetBoot and NetInstall. Many common network services are provided such as NTP, SNMP, web server (Apache), mail server (Postfix and Cyrus), LDAP (OpenLDAP), AFP, and print server. The inclusion of Samba version 3 allows tight integration with Windows clients and servers. MySQL v4.0.16 and PHP v4.3.7 are also included.

Mac OS X Server 10.3 (released October 24, 2003) release includes updated Open Directory user and file management, which with this release is based on LDAP, beginning the deprecation of the NeXT-originated NetInfo architecture. The new Workgroup Manager interface improved configuration significantly. Many common network services are provided such as NTP, SNMP, web server (Apache), mail server (Postfix and Cyrus), LDAP (OpenLDAP), AFP, and print server. The inclusion of Samba version 3 allows tight integration with Windows clients and servers. MySQL v4.0.16 and PHP v4.3.7 are also included.[citation needed]

Like Lion, Mountain Lion had no separate server edition. An OS X Server package was available for Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store for US$19.99, which included a server management application called Server, as well as other additional administrative tools to manage client profiles and Xsan.[17][18] Mountain Lion Server, like Lion Server, was provided with unlimited client licenses, and once purchased could be run on an unlimited number of systems.

Version 2 of the software is based on jabberd2 2.0s9 and supports server federation,[22] which allows chat clients to talk directly with other systems that support XMPP. It also supports server-based chat archiving.[23]

I'm happy using Gmail's Web interface through Mailplane because it's utterly unlike Eudora, whereas all the traditional email clients feel like takeoffs of Eudora. See my full series here, if you haven't already.

Our organisation is migrating to Google Mail and I had a big machine crash, so late last year seemed a good time to make that change to a modern mail client. It isn't an entirely painless journey, many of the more esoteric tweeks you could make to Classic Eudora don't exist - but I'm 95% happy which is good enough for me. It's far better than either Thunderbird or Gmail in my working environment.

But when I do this now, almost instantly the response is "No information found". By contrast, clicking on Extensions soon produces a lot of information. (All of them were Intel or Universal, by the way.)

Mac OS X v10.4 "Tiger" was released on April 29, 2005. (...) On January 10, 2006, Apple released the first Intel-based Macs along with the 10.4.4 update to Tiger. (...) Only PowerPC Macs can be booted from retail copies of the Tiger client DVD, but there is a Universal DVD of Tiger Server 10.4.7 (8K1079) that can boot both PowerPC and Intel Macs.

The command always applies to the local machine only.If issued on an NFS client machine accessing AFS via the NFS/AFS Translator,the string is set or reported for the NFS client machine.The Cache Manager on the AFS client machine serving as the NFS client's NFS/AFS translator machine stores the value in its kernel memory,and so can provide the NFS client with the proper version of program binaries when the user issues commands for which the pathname to the binaries includes @sys.There is a separate record for each user logged into the NFS client,which implies that if a user adopts a new identity (UNIX UID) during a login session on the NFS client -- perhaps by using the UNIX su command -- he or she must verify that the correct string is set for the new identity also.

All Instant Messenger and Chat clients in this section use WebKit to render and style messages, unless otherwise stated. This allows messages to be styled using a stylesheet language such as CSS. This enables customised message layout to be developed easily using web technology, without touching a line of code in the application. 2ff7e9595c


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