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Xml Validator For Mac: What You Need to Know About XML Catalogs, Schemas, and Namespaces


There's yet another new-ish (from 2013) commandline tool that is based on the Xerces parser for doing XML Schema validation. It's called xjparse ( ). So far, I've found this tool to be slow-ish, but one of the more complete schema validators, especially if you happen to have xsd's that include/import other xsd's. It also seems to be available on most of the popular Linux distros.

XML Validator Buddy provides several unique functionalities as XML validator and editor. Check and edit huge (multiple GB) XML instance files but don't load them completely into memory. An easy to use XML batch validator and a convenient "Find invalid XML" feature. A Schematron validator and also support for JSON Schema with JSON syntax-coloring and auto-completion. Learn more

Xml Validator For Mac

The XML Validator allows uses to validate XML files. The validatorcan either validate the sytnax of the XML file, or if the checkschema option is selected, it can validate the XML file againsta schema. For more information, see the following:XML Validator

Elcel Technologies offers XMLValidator (xmlvalid), a free command-line XMLchecker and validator ( ).You have to register to download the software.xmlvalid runs on Windows, Linux, Solaris, andother operating systems.

This service lets you validate XML documents such as XHTML against the appropriate schemas. It performs a more accurate validation than the W3C validator. If you send XHTML documents as text/html, you should also test them in XHTML Proxy. See for more validation tools.

This service does not perform generic XML Schema validation. While it can verify the well-formedness of any XML document, validation is only available with the built-in schemas. This validator does not download any DTD or schema files, but relies on its own ones.

You can select a schema manually or let the validator detect it. Automatic schema detection tries to determine the appropriate schema from the xsi:schemaLocation attribute and the public and system identifiers of the document type declaration.

Most document types are subject to constraints that cannot be expressed with XML Schema. This validator tries to check these as well, which makes its results much more applicable to real-world applications:

You can also use this validator offline to validate HTTP resources and local files, by calling SchemaValidator.exe /url: or SchemaValidator.exe /file:foo.html, respectively. You need to have the .NET Framework 1.1 installed on your computer. You can run the validator recursively on all .html files in a directory by typing for /R "C:\My Files\" %f in (*.html) do SchemaValidator.exe /file:"%f".

Your validation methods are plugged into the engine and executed against your data. Often, these methods use resources specific to one application or framework so Commons Validator doesn't directly provide pluggable validator actions. However, it does have a set of common validation methods (email addresses, dates, URLs, etc.) that help in creating pluggable actions.

The commons mailing lists act as the main support forum. The user list is suitable for most library usage queries. The dev list is intended for the development discussion. Please remember that the lists are shared between all commons components, so prefix your email by [validator].

Please be aware that due to the complexity of the Schema specification, there are differences between the validators; a document that is valid under one implementation may not be valid under another. For this reason you may want to mandate a validator to use project/organisation wide and you should consider testing with multiple implementations.

Usage example. The following example demonstrates validating an XML document with the Validation API (for readability, some exception handling is not shown): // parse an XML document into a DOM tree DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = parser.parse(new File("instance.xml")); // create a SchemaFactory capable of understanding WXS schemas SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); // load a WXS schema, represented by a Schema instance Source schemaFile = new StreamSource(new File("mySchema.xsd")); Schema schema = factory.newSchema(schemaFile); // create a Validator instance, which can be used to validate an instance document Validator validator = schema.newValidator(); // validate the DOM tree try validator.validate(new DOMSource(document)); catch (SAXException e) // instance document is invalid!

LORENZ eValidator is the most-used validation software in industry and with agencies, ensuring submission compliance globally. As a validator for eCTD and many other formats, it ensures that all submissions are technically compliant. Validating eCTDs for EMA, USFDA and many other regions is no hurdle anymore!

Daily unique usage based on Sparkle update queries and plotted with Sparklines.Validator S.A.C. (Stand Alone Complex) is a stand-alone, easy to install, version of theW3C's HTML / XHTML Markup Validator for Mac OS X.Validator S.A.C. is a normal Mac OS X application. No installation is required, just put Validator S.A.C.where you need it (hard drive, flash drive, CD-R, etc).Validator S.A.C. can validate local files, as well as pages on local web sites. Validate usingthe stand-alone Favelet, drag and drop files and URLs onto the application icon, or simply use File > Open.Validator S.A.C. can also be setup as a Web Service, allowing users to validate overthe local network. See theAdvanced Topicssection for details.The W3 Markup Validator is developed and maintained by theW3C Developers.Validator S.A.C. is developed byChuck Houptof Homo Habilis Associates.Please send bug reports and comments to (50 MB, Mac OS X 10.7 to 10.11)Screen ShotAdvanced TopicsUsing Validator S.A.C. as a Web ServiceBecause the Validator S.A.C. application contains a complete working version of the W3C Validator,it can be used to setup the Validator as a web service on a Mac.Validator S.A.C. comes with a sample Apache configuration file, which assumes Validator S.A.C. is located inthe Application folder. To install the configuration file, place it in Apache's auto-include directory,such as /etc/httpd/other (or /etc/httpd/sites on Mac OS X Server). After restarting Apache, the service will be live.Here is how to install the configuration file and restart Apache using a Terminal shell:% cd /Applications/ sudo cp validator/httpd/conf/validator-SAC.conf /etc/apache2/other% sudo apachectl gracefulNote: For Yosemite, use this conf: validator-SAC-10.10.confNow you should be able to access the Validator web service at -validator/.The configuration file also registers the service with Bonjour (Rendezvous),so anyone on your local network can access theservice from a Bonjour enabled browser (for example, Safari's Bonjour bookmark menu).Source CodeValidator S.A.C. uses the AppDNA system to bundle the source code inside the application. Every copy of Validator capable of recompiling itself. To examine the source code, select "Show Source Code" from the Help menu, and the internal XCode project will open.Version History0.10.7-8Fixed file/URL drag and drop for El Capitán.0.10.6Updated to run on OS X El Capitán (10.11).0.10.4Updated to run on OS X Yosemite (10.10).0.10.3Updated to run on OS X Mavericks (10.9).0.10.2Updated to latest version of Validator NU (the component that validates HTML5/Living-HTML), which now defaults to the schema: HTML5 + SVG 1.1 + MathML 3.0 + RDFa Lite to run on OS X Mountain Lion (10.8).0.10.0Upgraded to Validator Perl module dynamic linking errors on Snow Leopard (10.6).0.9.1Fixed Perl module dependency errors on Snow Leopard (10.6).0.9.0Upgraded to Validator 1.2 with HTML5 Validation.0.8.0Updated to run on 10.7, Lion.0.6.4Fixed errors under 10.6, Snow Leopard.0.6.3Updated to Validator blocking/freezing on 10.5 by improving I/O pipe handling.Updated project to build under error message when validating with user-selected DOCTYPE.Re-fixed defaults to allow web service to validate local/private IP addresses.Fixed auto-updating, so future releases will correctly update.0.6.0Updated to Validator 0.8.2Added automatic updating using the Sparkle framework.Adjusted app naming so AppDNA self-compilation works correct.Changed defaults to allow web service to validate local/private IP addresses.0.5.3Fixed stalls (spinning forever) under Intel Safari 2 WebKit.Fixed validating when Application has colon (Finder slash) in path.0.5.2Corrected handling of XHTML, SVG, MathML, SMIL and XML files.Improved error handling to help track down stalling problems.Fixed wrapper scripts to avoid conflict with Fink/MacPorts Perl.0.5.0Updated to W3C Validator 0.8.1Designed by Habilis in Newtonville.Compiled in var _paq = _paq []; _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function() var u=" "; _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'js/']); _paq.push(['setSiteId', 1]); var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'js/'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); )();

Neither the Topologi Schematron Validator (TSV) nor the Topologi Collaborative Markup Editor (TCME) can validate from the command line. However, Topologi does provide Eddie Robertsson's Open Source validator which can run from a command line: like other Topologi products, it supports DTDs, Schematron, W3C XML Schemas (WXS) and RELAX NG, plus Schematron embedded in WXS or RELAX NG. (Unix and Mac OS X users: you can convert the .bat file to a shell script trivially.) 2ff7e9595c

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